I mentioned when I first began this project that action figures hold a near and dear place in my heart when it comes to Knightfall. One figure in particular had me convinced that Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin would be great because the villain was so cool. I'm sure I'll discuss how the movie is pretty great at some point but let us get back to the figure. From Kenner's 1996 series Legends of the Dark Knight:
Legends of the Dark Knight: Bane (Lethal Impact) |
He thrives on scorpion venom pumped directly into his twisted brain, finding incredible power in this lethal potion that would instantly kill any other living being. As Lethal Impact Bane metabolizes the poison, his body gains immense bulk and strength, and his mind grows ever more evil. Batman must overcome his massive, venom-powered punch in order to conquer Bane and protect the people of Gotham City.

The first thing about the figure is just how big it looks with a massive torso and limbs that seem huge even on that frame. Next, the hair. Bane is usually depicted with a shaved head. But here, the man has a mullet unable to be contained by his luchador mask. Hell yeah. And then there's the scorpion venom. I suppose that's a far easier explanation for a child than a military funded experimental steroid cocktail. And it allows a scorpion's claw to be an accessory for Bane.
My figure was either sold at a garage sale or donated to Goodwill long ago but knowing me, I'll wind up snagging one off of eBay before this project is completed.
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